
Cheminée Nord

Cheminée Nord is a lively alternative exhibition and creation space at the heart of the Usine Kugler, managed by a working group made up of members of the Cheminée Nord association. Available to rent, the space welcomes artists from all mediums. It covers about 100 m2 on the first floor and was formed in 2006 on the initiative of Marc Cresci in order to integrate the association into the cultural life of the neighbourhood and to allow work that is open to research and experimentation. Ten shows or so are organised per year, of which five for artists within the Usine Kuglerassociation. Every two years, a collective show brings the artists of the Usine Kuglertogether.


Cheminée Nord
Avenue de la Jonction 19
1205 Genève
+4122 329 5465
Google Maps
Access:Tram 6,14, arrêt Jonction; Tram 9, arrêt Délices
Person in charge: