

Possibly due to its current location right by the railway tracks, Circuit defines itself as weaving a network of exchanges between local and external artists. Founded in 1998 by graduates of the ECAL, the art space is structured as an association. It is an independent organisation that favours the production of unique projects, acting both as an art and publishing centre. Works exhibited have included those of On Kawara, Charlemagne Palestine, David Cunningham, Olivier Mosset, Steven Parrino, and Francis Baudevin.


Avenue de Montchoisi 9 (accès quai Jurigoz) case postale 303
1006 Lausanne
+ 41 21 601 41 70
Google Maps
Access:M2, Gare CFF, Bus 4, 8 Alpes
Person in charge:
François Kohler, Jérôme Pfister, Philippe Decrauzat, Luc Aubort, Didier Rittener, Natacha Anderes, David Hominal, Gilles Fürtwangler, Damiàn Navarro, Delphine Coindet, Mathilda Angullo Kohler