
Forma Art Contemporain

“Audacious, independent, open, generous and demanding”, these are the words used by the owners of the Forma gallery to speak of gallerist Nelly L’Eplattenier, from whom they took over the premises in 2013. An art historian and photographic artist, they intend to continue in her footsteps and help the Lausanne public discover the work of artists on the local and international scenes. An annual programme of contemporary art shows thus offers the work of young talents next to those of established artists. Besides sales and exhibitions, the gallerists offer general art appraisal services. Some artists shown in the past: Simon Rimaz, Adrien Chevalley, Eric Winarto, Thomas Hauri, Fred Bott, Florence Aellen, Davide Cascio, Roberto Greco, Guillaume Pilet, Camille Lichtenstern.


Forma Art Contemporain
Rue de Genève 21
1003 Lausanne
+41 (0)21 312 12 09
Google Maps
Access:Métro M1 et M2 ou Bus 18,22,60, Lausanne-Flon
Person in charge: