Dedicated to science fiction, utopia and extraordinary voyages, the Maison d’Ailleursis a non-profit foundation with a double purpose: popular museum and specialised research centre. The museum’ s archives hold almost 70,000 documents and objects linked to science fiction, available to literature and history researchers. These collections also feed the Memories from the Future Space that offers visitors a chronological and thematic itinerary through the world of science fiction. Since 2008, the Maison d’Ailleurs hosts the Jules Verne Space, a place to discover the world of the great travelling writer that holds a collection of about 30,000 documents linked to his life. Every year, the museum presents two to three temporary exhibitions on important science fiction themes or artists from the realm of the imaginary. Finally, theMaison d’Ailleurs travels around Switzerland and abroad with its itinerant exhibitions. Some shows presented in the past: “Flying cars”, “Dinotopia and lost worlds”, “Archiborescence, organic architecture and utopian visions”, “Superman, Batman & Co…mics”, “Galacti Hits, music and science fiction”.