
Villa Bernasconi

Villa Bernasconi, built in 1828, is located at the heart of a magnificent park on the shores of the Aire River. Managed since 1997 by the cultural department of the town of Lancy, this villa is a multidisciplinary art centre. The building houses four to five exhibitions per year, from visual arts to illustration or graphic novels. The villa also hosts readings by contemporary authors, performances, as well as workshops and training for the general public. Thanks to its park, it hosts the Mai au Parc festival (www.maiauparc.ch), combining stage and visual arts.


Villa Bernasconi
Route du Grand-Lancy 8
1212 Lancy
+41(0)22 794 73 03
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Access:Tram 15 arrêt P+R Etoile ou Lancy Mairie; Bus 21, L et K arrêt Pont-Rouge; Bus 43, 4 et D arrêt P+R Etoile; Train depuis la gare Cornavin arrêt Pont-Rouge; Parking de l’Etoile et de la Vendée
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