
News – 2024

To 13 November 2024 From 31 January 2024

”Oh dear feelings […] ”* @ HiFLOW


To 29 June 2024 From 29 June 2024

OFF OFF #7 @ Indiana

Space(s):Indiana, OFF OFF

To 22 June 2024 From 21 September 2024

Augustin Rebetez @ Maison Totale

Space(s):Maison Totale Artist(s): Augustin Rebetez

To 21 June 2024 From 21 June 2024

20 ans @ la placette

Space(s):La Placette Artist(s): Lisa Bonard, Nicolas Haeni, Nicolas Ponce, Virginie Sistek

To 20 June 2024 From 20 June 2024

Publication @ L-Espace du Fond

Space(s):L-Imprimerie Artist(s): Arthur Lehmann, David Gagnebin-de-Bons

To 16 June 2024 From 26 July 2024

Dahflo @ Aarlo U Viggo

Space(s):Aarlo u Viggo Artist(s): dahflo

To 16 June 2024 From 15 September 2024

aqua @ La Nef

Space(s):La Nef Artist(s): Bigler Weibel, Carlotta Di Stefano, Dom Lallemand, Fabrizio Disalvo, Garance Finger

To 15 June 2024 From 5 October 2024

Lausanne @ Jardins 2024

To 14 June 2024 From 25 August 2024

Sebastian Wells @ Focale Nyon

Space(s):Galerie Focale Artist(s): Sebastian Wells

To 8 June 2024 From 8 June 2024

Arta Sperto @ KorSonoR

Space(s):Jardin Botanique de Genève

To 7 June 2024 From 31 August 2024

Collective @ Galerie Mighela Shama

Space(s):Galerie Mighela Shama Artist(s): Anna Higgins, Brieuc Remy, Eliot Möwes, Jon Merz, Julia von Eichel

To 6 June 2024 From 7 July 2024

20 ans @ Picto bello

Space(s):Picto Bello

To 2 June 2024 From 29 June 2024

Mathilde Tinturier @ Le Salon vert

Space(s):Le salon vert Artist(s): Mathilde Tinturier

To 1 June 2024 From 29 June 2024

Line Marquis @ Galerie Odile

Space(s):Galerie Odile Artist(s): Line Marquis

To 31 May 2024 From 1 June 2024

2ème édition @ à l'abordage

Space(s):Fabienne Levy Gallery, Galerie Heinzer Reszler, Galerie Xippas

To 29 May 2024 From 15 June 2024

Espace artistes femmes @ Forum de l'hôtel de ville Lausanne

Space(s):Espace Artistes Femmes Artist(s): Nobuko Murakami, Sarah Cohen, Sophie Bosselut, Virginie Augustyniak

To 26 May 2024 From 28 June 2024

christine Sefolosha @ Galerie Oblique

Space(s):Galerie Oblique Artist(s): Christine Sefolosha

To 25 May 2024 From 16 June 2024

Petignat & Scholz @ Standard deluxe

Space(s):Standard / Deluxe Artist(s): Petignat & Scholz

To 18 May 2024 From 28 July 2024

Sid andovka / Anya Tsyrlina @ Friart

Space(s):Fri Art Artist(s): Anya Tsyrlina, Leslie Thorton, Sid Andovka, Thomas Zummer

To 18 May 2024 From 15 June 2024

Billyboy* et lala @ Popa

Space(s):POPA - Porrentruy Optical Art Artist(s): Billyboy*, Lala