
Massimo Furlan

Performance, video, photography, drawing

Artist’s planning

To 22 June 2020 From 18 October 2020

Industria @ Bex arts

Space(s):Bex Arts Artist(s): Andreas Schneider, Anne Blanchet , Carles Valverde, David Bill, Denis Roueche, Floriane Tissières , Joëlle Allet, Julien Aubert, Massimo Furlan , Olivier Estoppey , Peter Kamm

To 1 March 2020 From 4 April 2020

20 ans @ abstract

Space(s):abstract Artist(s): Andrea Knecht, Catherine Leutenegger , Céline Masson , Daniel Ruggiero , David de Tscharner, Delphine Reist , Fred Pradeau, Marie Boucheteil , Massimo Furlan , Miguel Menezes, Nathalie Rebholz , Olivier Lovey, Pascal Greco , Roman Signer, Ruedi Baur, Sandrine Pelletier , Vincent Kohler

To 24 September 2016 From 4 December 2016

Anne Rochat, Massimo Furlan @ Centre d’Art Contemporain, Yverdon-Les-Bains

Space(s):CACY Artist(s): Andy Storchenegger, Anne Rochat , Beat Lippert , Camille Llobet, Charlotte Guinot-Bacot, Dominique Page, Elodie Pong, Foofwa d’Imprimerie ilité, Gianni Motti , Jean-Christophe Norman, Jeremy Chevalier , Jerome Leuba , Julia Soerensen, Li Ming, Luzia Hürzeler , Mario Garcia Torres, Massimo Furlan , Neal Beggs, Paul Viaccoz , Raphaël Zarka, Régis Perray, Roman Signer, Vincent Lamouroux, Virginie Delannoy

To 22 September 2016 From 24 September 2016

Massimo Furlan @ LEB, Lausanne – Echallens – Bercher

Space(s):Arsenic Artist(s): Massimo Furlan

To 23 August 2015 From 3 October 2015

Massimo Furlan et Philippe Daerendinger @ CAN, Neuchâtel

Artist(s): A. Spring, Adrian Gaille, AJIKA, Aymeric Tarrade, Baudouin De Jaer, Blanktapes, Bruno Botella, Brynjar Thorsson, Camille Ducellier, Christian Addor, Christian Schneider, Christian Waldvogel, Christophe Rey , Dany Digler, David Amaral, David Ashby, Dejode & Lacombe, Dorine Aguerre, Dr. Nezumi, Emmanuel Paxon Dupasquier, Eric Duyckaerts, Fabian Boschung, Fabio Scandura, Flavio Merlo, Francisco Da Mata, François Jaques, Fred Fischer, FU, Galaxia Wang, Georg Keller, Giovanni Carmine (Kunsthalle St-Gallen), Guy Meldem, Gyan Panchal, H., Harold Bouvard, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Henry Collins, Héron Cool, Ionic South, Javier Téllez, Jean-Thomas Vannotti, Jeremy Chevalier , John Isaacs, Johnny Haway, Julia Perazzini, Julien Baillod, Kester Güdel, Kim Seob Boninsegni , Kyung Roh Bannwart, Laurent Flutsch, Léopold Rabus, Les frères Chapuisat, Lionel Ferchaud, Lugano Fell, Luke Abbott, Luke Fowler, Lupo Borgonovo, Madame Dame, Marco Repetto, Marie Cool Fabio Balducci, Mario Sancho, Markus Kummer, Martin Jakob, Massimiliano Baldassarri, Massimo Furlan , Matthieu Pilloud, Mélanie Veuillet, Mélissa Tun Tun, Mental Groove (Olivier Ducret), Metzger & Bauer, Murmures Barbares, Nicolas Momein, Nicolas Raufaste, Papiro, Philippe Daerendinger , Pia Epremian De Silvestris, Pierre Gattoni, Pùrpura, Renaud Loda, Sacha Béraud, Sam Porritt, Sebastien Verdon, Serge Vuille, Sinner DC, Squares and Triangles, Swann Thommen, Sylviane Röösli, Tapes Adventure, Tarik Hayward, Till Rabus, Tom Dale, Tonino De Bernardi, Turbosieste, U-Zehn, Uiutna, Valerio Scamuffa, Vanessa Billy , Wildrfid, Wyrding Module, Xavière Sennac, Yinsh, Yvan Alvarez, ZOV

To 2 May 2014 From 31 May 2014

Massimo Furlan & Numero23Prod @ abstract, Lausanne

Space(s):abstract Artist(s): Massimo Furlan , Numero23Prod.

To 17 May 2014 From 18 May 2014

Heures Blanches des Musées

Artist(s): Cathy Karatchian, David Curchod , Massimo Furlan , Mathias Schmied, Nicolas Genta, Philippe Antonello, Rafael Barletta

To 24 November 2013 From 12 January 2014

Delphine Reist @ Villa Arson, Nice

Space(s):Villa Arson Artist(s): Adrien Mesot, Agathe Wiesner, Alice Guittard, Amandine Guruceaga, Anna Byskov, Anne-Sophie Duforets, Anne-Sophie Turion & Jeanne Moynot, Arnaud Dezoteux, Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, Baptiste Masson, Benoît Barbagli, Bertrand Dezoteux, Bruno Peinado, Camille Dumond, Caroline Bosc, David Perréard, Delphine Reist , Édouard Levé, Éric Madeleine, Esmeralda Da Costa, Estrid Lutz & Émile Moule, France Gayraud, Gabriel Méo, Gaël Peltier, Georgia René-Worms, Giordano Rush, Giuliana Zefferi., Grégoire Motte, Guillaume Bijl, Jacques Julien, Jean-Sébastien Tacher, Jeanne Roche, Karim Bel Kacem, Laurent Faulon, Laurie Charles, Le Club des Sous L'Eau, Lionel Scoccimaro, Lorraine Châteaux, Lucie Henault, Lucile Diacono, Magali Halter, Massimo Furlan , Mathilde Fernandez, Mathilde Lehmann, Mélanie Knopf, Nathalie Corthay, Nelly Toussaint, Olivier Blanckart, Olivier Dollinger, Présence Panchounette, Qingmei Yao, Quentin Spohn, Rafaela Lopez, Raphaël Emine, Raphaëlle Serre, Rémi Voche, Sabrina Biro & Charlyne Kolly, Sandra Lorenzi, Simon Nicolas, Taroop & Glabel, Timothée Dufresne, Ugo Schiavi, Wilfrid Almendra, Wim Delvoye