
Simon Rimaz

photography, installation art, sculpture

Artist’s planning

To 25 November 2017 From 15 December 2017

Pierre Girardin & Simon Rimaz @ Urgent Paradise, Lausanne

Space(s):Urgent Paradise Artist(s): Pierre Girardin, Simon Rimaz

To 16 February 2017 From 30 April 2017

Simon Rimaz @ Musée d'art, Pully

Space(s):Musée d'Art de Pully Artist(s): Aliki Braine, Bill McDowell, Cai Dongdong, Corinne Vionnet , Eric Baudelaire, F&D Cartier, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Joachim Schmid, Laurent Kropf , Martina Bacigalupo, Miguel Rothschild, Mishka Henner, Rebecca Bowring, Simon Rimaz , Simon Roberts

To 14 February 2017 From 25 February 2017

Fred Bott, Lucie Kohler, Camille Lichtenstern, Simon Rimaz @ FORMA, Lausanne

Space(s):FORMA Artist(s): Camille Lichtenstern , Fred Bott, Lucie Kohler , Simon Rimaz

To 19 January 2017 From 12 February 2017

Victoria Grin, Simon Rimaz, Zhen Shi @ Emergency, Vevey

Space(s):EMERGENCY Artist(s): Simon Rimaz , Victoria Grin, Zhen Shi

To 28 April 2016 From 30 April 2016

Simon Rimaz @ Atelier Mont Blanc 10, Lausanne

Space(s):Atelier Mont Blanc 10 Artist(s): Charles Nègre, Simon Rimaz , Thomas Rousset

To 21 January 2016 From 21 January 2016

Flon'Inn, Lausanne

Space(s):abstract, Alice Pauli, Atelier Raynald Métraux, FORMA, Galerie Heinzer Reszler, Les Cubes du Flon Artist(s): Berni Stephanus, Carl June, Christian Lapie, Emilie Satre, Fabienne Verdier, Flavio Paolucci, Fred Bott, Frédéric Malette, Isabelle Ménéan, James Rielly, Jean-Luc Manz , Jeremy Chevalier , John Lippens , Joris Brantuas, Leonore Thelin , Marco Scorti, Mathieu Bernard-Raymond , Micolas Mueller, Norbert Bisky, Nunzio, Peter Wüthrich, Philippe Cognée, Pia Farrugia, Qiu Jie, Reeve Schumacher, Simon Rimaz , Sophie Bouvier, Stéphane Guiran, Stéphane Kropf , Stephane Zaech , Tami Ichino, Thomas Maisonnasse , Xavier Cardinaux, Xie Lei

To 22 May 2015 From 18 July 2015

Simon Rimaz @ Forma, Lausanne

Space(s):FORMA Artist(s): Simon Rimaz